Monica Landoni
Dr. Monica Landoni is the group leader and a Professor at the Faculty of Informatics, where she has worked since January 2007.
Monica’s research interests are in the broad areas of Human Computer Interaction, Digital Libraries and Interactive Information Retrieval. In particular she has been actively exploring how e-books should be designed and evaluated by focusing on different readers and reading types.
Irene Zanardi
Irene has been a PhD student in the LUXIA group since May 2022.
She is working on the project TADAA to develop tools for the assessments of gender biased elements in teachers’ and parents’ behaviors. Her research interests include Human-Computer Interaction, Accessibility, Inclusion and Education.

Leandro Guedes
Leandro has been a PhD student in the LUXIA group since November 2019.
He is working on subproject Muses – Multisensory story-telling, under the BEST project. His work explores how technology can help people with Intellectual Disabilities (ID) before, during, or after a museum visit. His research interests include Human-Computer Interaction, Visualization, Accessibility, User Experience, Inclusion, and Education.

Sveva Valguarnera
Sveva has been a PhD student in the LUXIA group since September 2019.
She is working on subproject EPPics – Enhanced Personalised Picture Stories, under the BEST project. Her work explores the use of storytelling and authoring tools to foster pre-reading and pre-writing skills in a preschool classroom context. Her research interests include Child-Computer Interaction, interactive and digital storytelling, and authoring tools.